Tuesday, August 13, 2013

First Days of School

Everyone was excited about the first days of school.

The kids take pics by the front door every year. I wish I was more organized and could find the last few year's pictures to compare.  (Maybe in my free time I'll look for them!)

The best part of the year so far... Ava is SUPER excited about her class and all she is learning. She had extra credit and couldn't wait to do the experiment for it when we got home! Plus, we were all surprised by the results.
(Who knew that water would take the color off an m&m faster than vinegar?!?!)


The kids, and Hudson, want a pet.  I, on the other hand, don't want the mess that comes with a pet.  So we have LOTS of "pets".  This picture is the dogs on their play mat
(You've gotta love bubble wrap).

Hope walking the dog.  (Can't figure out how to rotate the pic in blogs and too lazy to go back and do it in picasa, then resave it, etc...)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Then and Now- Annual New Orleans Trip

Every year in August, Hudson attends the LRA Food Show in New Orleans. The girls and I have made it an annual trip to go hang out at the hotel and explore the area during that weekend.  These pictures were from our trip in 2010.  Hope was almost 3; Ava almost 7. 
Of course there was no picture of Hope on the streetcar because she was on my lap and it was really crowded!
Here are the pictures from the 2013 trip.  (Unfortunately, the picture of Ava turned out dark and I didn't realize it).  It's really fun to look at the differences in the kids from both sets of pictures, and amazing what a difference a few years makes.  
All smiles- Hope sat by herself and didn't cry when the streetcar started moving! 
A little later- Can you tell who the tired one is?
Even with a little grouchiness, it's always a fun trip.